- Absurd (original/alternate titles: Rosso Sangue, Anthropophagus 2 — released with 2m 32s cut in 1983, but was withdrawn post VRA, and has never been re-submitted for classification. Has a release in the United States uncut under the title Horrible)
- Anthropophagous: The Beast (original title: Antropophagus — released with approximately 3m of pre-cuts as “The Grim Reaper” in 2002)
- Axe! (original title: Lisa, Lisa — re-released uncut in 2005)
- The Beast in Heat (original title: La bestia in Calore) (Banned outright)
- The Beyond (original title: E tu vivrai nel terrore – L’Aldilà — re-released uncut in 2001)
- Blood Feast (re-released uncut in 2005)
- Blood rites (original title: The Ghastly Ones) (Banned outright)
- Bloody Moon (original title: Die Säge des Todes — released with 1m 20s cut in 1993, released uncut November 2008)
- The Boogeyman (re-released uncut in 2000)
- The Burning (re-released uncut in 2001)
- Cannibal Apocalypse (original title: Apocalypse Domani — released with 2s cut in 2005)
- Cannibal Ferox (alternate title: Make them Die Slowly – released with approximately 5m of pre-cuts plus 6s of additional cuts in 2000)
- Cannibal Holocaust (released in 2001 with 5m 44s cut to remove most animal cruelty and rape scenes)
- Cannibal Man (original title: La Semana del Asesino — released with 3s cut in 1993)
- Cannibal Terror (original title: Terror Caníbal — released uncut in 2003)
- Contamination (released uncut in 2004 with a 15 rating)
- Dead & Buried (re-released uncut in 2004)
- Death Trap (original title: Eaten Alive — re-released uncut in 2000)
- Deep River Savages (original/alternate title: Il paese del sesso selvaggio, Man from Deep River — released with 3m 45s cut in 2003)
- Delirium (Alternate title: Psycho Puppet – released with 16s cut in 1987)
- Devil Hunter (original title: Il cacciatore di uomini) (Passed uncut November 2008)
- Don’t Go in the House (released with 3m 7s cut in 1987)
- Don’t Go in the Woods (released uncut in 2007)
- Don’t Go Near the Park (released uncut in 2006)
- Don’t Look in the Basement (original title: The Forgotten — released uncut in 2005 with a 15 rating)
- The Dorm That Dripped Blood (Alternate title: Pranks – re-released with 10s cut in 2001)
- The Driller Killer (released with cuts in 1999 – re-released uncut in 2002, now considered to be public domain)
- The Evil Dead (re-released uncut in 2001)
- Evilspeak (re-released uncut in 1999)
- Exposé (re-released with approximately 30s cut in 2006)
- Faces of Death (released with 2m 19s cut in 2003)
- Fight For Your Life (Banned outright)
- Flesh for Frankenstein (Alternate title: Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein – re-released uncut in 2006)
- Toxic Zombies also known as “Forest of Fear and “Bloodeaters” (Banned outright)
- Frozen Scream (Banned outright)
- The Funhouse (Released uncut in 1987, re-classified 15 in 2007)
- Gestapo’s Last Orgy (original title: L’ultima orgia del III Reich) (Banned outright)
- The House by the Cemetery (original title: Quella villa accanto al cimitero — re-released with 33s cut in 2001, released uncut in 2009)
- House on the Edge of the Park (original title: La casa sperduta nel parco — released with 11m 43s cut in 2002)
- Human Experiments (released with 26s cut in 1994)
- I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses (released with 1m 6s cut in 1986)
- I Spit on Your Grave (original title: Day of the Woman — released with 7m 2s cut in 2001)
- Inferno (re-released with 20s cut in 1993 — re-released uncut in September, 2010)
- Island of Death (original title: Ta Pedhia tou dhiavolou — released uncut September, 2010)
- Killer Nun (original title: Suor Omicidi — re-released uncut in 2006)
- The Last House on the Left (passed uncut on the 17th March, 2008)
- Late Night Trains (original title: L’ultimo treno della notte — released uncut in 2008)
- Living Dead At Manchester Morgue (original title: Non si deve profanare il sonno dei morti — re-released uncut in 2002)
- Love Camp 7 (refused a certificate in 2002) (Banned outright)
- There Was a Little Girl (1981 film) (UK title: Madhouse – released uncut in 2004)
- Mardi Gras Massacre (Banned outright)
- Night of the Bloody Apes (original title: La Horripilante bestia humana — released with approximately 1m of pre-cuts in 1999)
- Night of the Demon (released with 1m 41s cut in 1994)
- Nightmare Maker (Also known as ‘Butcher/Baker/Nightmare Maker’ and Night Warning on the credits of some versions) (Banned outright)
- Nightmare in a Damaged Brain (re-released with pre-cuts in 2005)
- Possession (released uncut in 1999)
- Prisoner of the Cannibal God (original title: La montagna del dio cannibale — released with 2m 6s cut in 2001)
- Revenge of the Bogey Man (original title: Boogeyman II — released with additional footage in 2003)
- The Slayer (re-released uncut in 2001)
- Snuff (Passed uncut in 2003, however it has not yet been re-released)
- SS Experiment Camp (original title: Lager SSadis Kastrat Kommandantur — released uncut in 2005)
- Tenebrae (original title: Tenebre — re-released uncut in 2003)
- Terror Eyes (original title: Night School — released with 1m 16s cut in 1987)
- The Toolbox Murders (released with 1m 46s cut in 2000)
- Twitch of the Death Nerve (original title: Reazione a catena — released uncut in 2010)
- Unhinged (released uncut in 2004)
- Visiting Hours (released with approximately 2m cut in 1986)
- The Werewolf and the Yeti (original title: La Maldición de la bestia) (Banned outright)
- The Witch Who Came From the Sea (released uncut in 2006)
- Women Behind Bars (original French title: Des diamants pour l’enfer) (Banned outright)
- Zombie Creeping Flesh (original title: Virus — released uncut in 2002)
- Zombie Flesh Eaters (original title: Zombi 2 — re-released uncut in 2005) (alternate title: Zombie)
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